Join Tsukuba Judo Dojo
Kids Judo
Kids ages 7-14
Tues 6:30pm-7:20pm | Sat 11:00am-11:50am
Must sign up with USJA (United States Judo Association). This is required to enter sanctioned tournaments and for promotions. Additional instructions are provided on the New Student Registration Form upon creating a new student account by clicking the Start Your Dojo Membership button.
Must wear white or blue Judo gi (uniform) only
Judo gi and belt available for purchase at the dojo
Adult Judo
Ages 15+
Mon 7:30pm-8:30pm | Tues 7:30pm-8:50pm | Sat 12:00pm-1:20pm
Must sign up with USJA (United States Judo Association). This is required to enter sanctioned tournaments and promotions. Additional instructions are provided on the New Student Registration Form upon creating a new student account by clicking the Start Your Dojo Membership button.
Must wear white or blue Judo gi (uniform) only
Judo gi and belt available for purchase at the dojo
Visitor Mat Fee
Must be a current member with USJA, USJF, or USA Judo
Number of visits allowed at the instructor's discretion